Saturday, 12 February 2011

Kevser Tabak™ Halal Wine Range

In today's health conscious world, there's been a dramatic decrease in alcohol consumption, and HALAL ChampWine™'s Kevser Tabak™ range, appeals not just to the Wine drinker who appreciates the taste and full complexity of high quality Wines, but is searching for a true non-alcoholic alternative as a safe and comparable lifestyle choice, but also a true alternative with image to match.  Today, 4 out of 10 people in the UK abstain from drinking alcohol (drinkaware, 2011)
The Kevser Tabak™ range, is also non-fat, and contain’s 50% fewer calories than traditional alcohol Wines.  For those following various diet’s, this translates to approximately 19-36 calories* for a 4 ounce serving, compared to the average of 100 calories* for alcoholic Wines.  Religious observers, dieters, designated drivers, expectant mothers and all other alcohol restricted alike, can now enjoy Kevser Tabak™  Wines as an excellent companion with meals, in cooking, business events, social occasions and all other types of get togethers and celebrations.
(*According to the Annual Reviews Report on nutritional data in Wine)

There are many health benefits for drinking non-alcoholic Kevser Tabak™  Wine range:


In the past decade there have been scores of reports in medical journals around the world detailing the benefits of Wine consumption for decreasing heart disease.  For instance, a 1994 study by Michael H. Criqui and Brenda L. Ringel, from the University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine studied heart disease rates in 21 countries and found that the more Wine a country drank, the fewer heart disease deaths it reported.


Scientists at the University of California, Davis, have identified another group of chemicals in R E D Wine that is linked to the ability to lower cholesterol called Saponins,  These glucose based plant compounds are being found in an increasing number of foods.  This is the first time they've been found in Wine, according to Andrew Waterhouse, PHD, Professor of Enology (Wine Chemistry) at the University of California, Davis.


A 16 year study of 13,000 people in Denmark by Institute of Preventive Medicine has found that a daily glass of Wine may significantly reduce the risk of stroke.  The researchers noted that those who drank roughly one glass of Wine daily, R E D or W H I T E, had a 32% reduction in their risk of stroke.  The same was not true of beer or liquor drinkers.

Kevser Tabak™ Halal Wine Range.